- How to join a space? 怎样加入传吧?
- The profit that such doing is being connected at letting a space fully, the vision is open, but how to join the space that changes two functions to differ is an a Gordian knot. 这样做的好处在于让空间通透,视觉开阔,但如何连接转换两个功能不同的空间是一个棘手的问题。
- How to let a space greaten it seems that? 如何让空间看起来变大?
- You faced one question is how to join to our club. 你面临的一个问题就是如何加入我们的协会。
- Captain Tsubasa Web Ring - List of sites and how to join. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- He has no idea of how to run a business. 他不知如何经商。
- Such, how to organize a space reasonably, become an outstanding issue. 这样,如何合理的组织空间,就就成为一个突出的问题。
- I have no a clue how to compose a Waltz. 创作华尔兹曲我是一窍不通。
- He knows how to take a joke and make one. 他经得起别人开自己的玩笑,也会开别人的玩笑。
- He taught Tom how to make a model airplane. 他教汤姆作模型飞机的方法。
- Join a conversation class now and learn how to form your own great descriptions in English. 现在就参加一堂口语课吧并学习如何用英语组织自己的描述。
- Join a conversation class now and learn how to answer your boss confidently and tactfully in English! 现在就参加口语课并学习如何自信并得体的用英语应对老板的问题!
- My father taught me how to operate a reaper. 我父亲教我怎样使用收割机。
- Join a conversation class now and leam how to form your own great descriptions in English . 你还可以使用形容词来描述你对事物的感觉。你觉得是好的,坏的,漂亮的,美丽的,丑的,聪明的或是笨的?
- Do you know how to repair a radio? 你知道怎么修收音机吗?
- Now that we can join a multicast group and receive packets sent to it, the logical thing to do is to learn how to send packets to a multicast group. 既然我们可以加入一个多播组并且收到发送给他的数据包,逻辑上做这件事就是学习如何发送包至单个多播组。
- Who knows any English Corner near to Zhongshan park? Please tell me how to join it, thanks a lot! 请问中山公园附近有没有英语角?都是什么形式的?怎么参加?一般是什么时候?谢谢;请告知.
- Specifies how to join consecutive line or curve segments in a figure (subpath) contained in a GraphicsPath object. 指定如何在图形(子路径)中联接连续的直线或曲线段,该图形(子路径)包含在GraphicsPath对象中。
- A boss must know how to delegate (work). 当老板的要知人善任。